AcaPrep is an elective class for all GECA students that helps students set and achieve life goals, and helps prepare students for success in four-year colleges. Students have chosen to attend GECA to push themselves academically in rigorous coursework in order to gain entry into a four year college after graduation from high school. Students are expected to complete the AcaPrep Curriculum as part of their support and guidance throughout their four-year experience. Each grade level of AcaPrep is themed after the school’s mission/vision of “Be Someone. Go Somewhere. Seek Excellence.” in the following way:
AcaPrep 9:
for Early College”
AcaPrep 10:
“Go Somewhere
in the College World”
AcaPrep 11:
“Be Someone
Personally & Academically”
AcaPrep 12:
“Seek Excellence
Wherever You Go”
Sequence Goals
As a result of the four-year AcaPrep course sequence, students:
- Develop strategies to identify and fulfill personal and academic goals (including peer tutoring, team-building & resilience-building activities, Character Counts! Education, Mindfulness practices, career exploration, and personality assessments).
- Develop strategies to ensure academic success in both core studies in high school and college class required for entrance to four-year colleges and universities.
- Explore multiple academic and social cultures within a variety of college environments.
- Prepare to successfully complete the college application process, including the testing requirements to transfer into a four-year college or university (PSAT, PLAN, SAT prep).
- Understand the intrinsic differences between high school and college writing and as a result, successfully develop academic college writing.
- Evaluate the content of oral communications and deliver focused, coherent presentations that convey a clear interpretation of ideas and unity in relation to purpose and audience.
Supporting Students
AcaPrep is meant to support students in academic subject areas by introducing and practicing certain strategies, test-taking skills, organization and study skills that have been proven successful for college-bound students. The course sequence also aims to help students determine future goals and create a plan to achieve them, including A-G and GECA diploma completion, creating four-year plans, exploring college entrance requirements and determining appropriate career paths.
AcaPrep’s curriculum is based on the research and work of Dr. David Conley’s Four Keys of College and Career Readiness:
THINK: Key Cognitive Strategies |
KNOW: Key Content Knowledge |
ACT: Key Learning Skills & Techniques |
GO: Key Transition Knowledge & Skills |
Description of Key of College & Career Readiness | Problem formulation, research, interpretation, communication, precision and accuracy |
Key terms & terminology, factual information, linking ideas, organizing concepts |
Time management, study skills, goal setting, self-awareness, persistence, collaborative learning, student ownership of learning, technological proficiency, retention of factual information | Post-secondary program selection, admissions requirements, financial aid, career pathways, post-secondary culture, role & identity issues, agency | |
AcaPrep Curriculum Components | Writing Projects, SAT Practice (Khan Academy), Individual Reflection, Habits of Mind | Peer Tutoring, AVID WICOR model, Seminar Study time, Subject-based Khan Academy | Time Management, Mindful Mondays, Goal Setting Activities, Week of Kindness, Anti-Bullying Assemblies, Study Skills, Google Apps For Education | FAFSA Applications, Scholarship Applications, Seeking Recommendations, College Registration, Career Exploration, Four-Year Planning, ASB Updates, School Culture (Honor Tribunal) |